A compose file can also be an interesting way to run a static bundle for skupper-routers. Here I am using a two routers network, named west and east.

The west router has an inter-router link (secured with TLS) defined to connect with the east one (using skupper-router-east hostname).

All the configuration, sample certificates and compose files can be downloaded by clicking the following link: Example files (tarball).

Once you extract the tarball, you will find a new directory named example which contains the compose.yaml file, as well as all the directories storing the configuration needed by the two routers, under: ./example/west and ./example/east.

This compose.yaml file, works with both docker and podman.

To deploy this multi-container scenario, run:

Docker Podman
docker compose up -d podman-compose up -d

To teardown this multi-container scenario, run:

Docker Podman
docker compose down podman-compose down

Note: To install podman-compose, follow the official instructions.