
In order to evaluate some strategies for dealing with ingresses using a stable name resolution within a container network (Podman or Docker), I have used the following scenario as the foundation for this study:

In the following sections, I will describe each component in more detail.

Artifacts for each strategy are also available and they can be easily executed using podman-compose or docker compose.

Service Proxies

The service proxies are the main objects to be explored here.

Each service proxy is connected to a container network, and so they have a stable name and an individual IP address within that network. With that, each proxy container could bind port 8080 (as an example), because they’d have different IP addresses.

And this is the reason why we do not have a single proxy container with multiple network aliases. Having multiple network aliases would solve the stable name issue, but wouldn’t allow two distinct names to bind the same port with different targets.

That being said, each proxy container will be responsible for redirecting incoming traffic reaching its port(s) to the skupper-router (explained later).

In this study we will evaluate different approaches that can be used to redirect incoming traffic reaching the service proxies to the skupper-router.

Basically all the scenarios will use different approaches to redirect traffic to the listeners exposed by the skupper_router, except for the Edge-Router scenario, in which the service proxies are edge-routers connected to the skupper-router and they expose a TCP Listener themselves. These TCP Listeners take the incoming traffic through the skupper-router via its Edge Link with skupper-router, so the TCP Listeners exposed by the skupper-router are not used.

Skupper Router

The skupper-router component is connect to the host network, exposing TCP listeners on ports 8080 and 5201, which have related TCP connectors reaching the workloads, that are also running as containers, exposing their ports to the host network.

It is important to say that this is not an appropriate scenario for Skupper itself, as Skupper’s purpose is to interconnect services distributed through the hybrid cloud, but we are using it here to prove that we can get traffic from a service proxy redirected to the skupper-router and forwarded by the router to the respective workloads.

In the Edge-Router scenario, the skupper-router also exposes an Edge listener through port 45671. This listener is used by the service proxies only in this scenario.


In this topology we have two workloads.

  • my-service - nginx server
  • my-tcp-service - iperf3 server

These workloads also run as containers and their ports exposed through the host machine and mapping incoming traffic to the appropriate port used by the workload itself, here is the mapping:

  • my-service - Host port 8888 to container port 8080
  • my-tcp-service - Host port 4201 to container port 5201

The skupper-router container has two TCP Connectors, one for each port, and the connectors use the following configuration:

Target host Target port Routing key (address)
host.docker.internal 8888 my-service:8080
host.docker.internal 4201 my-tcp-service:5201

Service proxy scenarios

  1. Netfilter / iptables
  2. Edge-router
  3. HA proxy
  4. Envoy proxy

1. Netfilter

Using Netfilter (iptables), we can simply add rules to redirect incoming packets reaching the proxy containers (i.e: my-service:8080 and my-tcp-service:5201), to the respective host ports that are bound by the skupper-router.

This is a simple solution as it just relies on an ubi9 image with iptables installed. It also seems to be the fastest choice with minimal resource utilization, compared to the other approaches.

2. Edge-router

An edge-router can also be used, as we just need to expose a tcpListener on each container with the respective routing key (address) that will reach the target workloads.

This approach has an extra benefit (to be evaluated) as you don’t need to expose the workloads to the container’s host network (no TCP listener needed on the skupper-router), because it does not need a target IP and Port.

Each service proxy runs as an edge-router and has an edge link to the skupper-router, which targets host: host.docker.internal and port 45671.

3. HAProxy

The HAProxy can be configured as a reverse proxy, forwarding packets to the router ingress IP and Port. HAProxy is also used by Openshift to provide Route ingress.

4. Envoy Proxy

Envoy proxy can be configured similarly to HAProxy. It is a safe, popular and reliable alternative to be evaluated as well.

Artifacts for evaluation

You can download and evaluate each of the approaches through the following links. These samples can be run using docker compose or podman-compose.

1. Netfilter

2. Edge-Router

3. HAProxy

4. Envoy

Validating each scenario

Container engine Deploy Teardown Environemnt
Podman podman-compose up -d podman-compose down CONTAINER=podman
Docker docker compose up -d docker compose down CONTAINER=docker

For each scenario, you can validate that you’re able to access the target services through Host’s port 8080 (HTTP) and 5201 (TCP) as well as through the container’s bridge network (sample_sample1), through my-service:8080 and my-tcp-service:5201.


  1. Access through the host:


  1. Access through the container’s bridge network


Note: The proxy can be one of: netfilter, edge-router, haproxy or envoy.

First adjust the value of the CONTAINER variable to the container engine being used (podman or docker).

${CONTAINER} run --rm --network sample_sample1 curlimages/curl http://my-service:8080

If you want to run a basic HTTP performance test (runs for 10s with 1 client and 10 connections), you could also use:

${CONTAINER} run --rm --network sample_sample1 wrk -d 10s -c 10 -t 1 --latency http://my-service:8080


  1. Access through the host:


iperf3 -c
  1. Access through the container’s bridge network (with name resolution):


Note: The proxy can be one of: netfilter, edge-router, haproxy or envoy.

First adjust the value of the CONTAINER variable to the container engine being used (podman or docker).

${CONTAINER} run --rm --network sample_sample1 -c my-tcp-service


If requiring a host’s IP/Port to be exposed is not a problem, the Netfilter/iptables approach seems like the best fit as it requires few resources and seems to have best throughput.

But in case exposing workloads only into the container’s network, without exposing them through the host’s IP and Port, is a mandatory thing, then Edge-router is the only choice that can be used.

As an upcoming activity, it would be really interesting to do a performance analysis, comparing all the approaches mentioned here using both TCP (iperf3) and HTTP traffic.